Saturday, April 08, 2006

April 8, 2006 1:31pm


Isn't it the most beautiful, pure thing in the world? And so simple too. Writers have to come up with fiction all the time. That's difficult. That's work.

Honesty is so much easier.

So why is it so flippin' hard for people to be honest?

Let's give an example from my life.....

For years and years, DB lied about stuff. He would lie about stupid things, the way a little kid lies about brushing his teeth or cleaning his room. Then, at the end, he graduated to bigger who he was talking to, seeing, whatever.

Is it genetic? His mother is one of the biggest manipulators I've ever seen, so it's possible.

Another example....

At one of my summer jobs, there was a guy who started there and kept telling these absurd lies about his job, his accomplishments, his girlfriend. The lies were so absurd that everyone was scratching their head. If you're going to lie, at least make it somewhat believable.

On the flip side of that....

Last night I had a rather long, detailed conversation with my mystery man. I told him lots of things that had been on my mind or bothering me since our week together. I told him everything. He listened. HE participated in the conversation. He understood my concerns.

At the end of it all, I felt so much better. He seemed to be quite happy too since we ended laughing and really enjoying each other's "phone company".

So easy. Why can't it always be like that?

I know sometimes truth hurts. But wouldn't you rather know it and maybe have your feelings a little hurt because someone doesn't like something that you're doing...rather than have them walk out the door and say how much they can't stand you when you never meant to hurt or upset them in the first place?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your entire post.
The thing that most people never get is that the truth always, ALWAYS, comes out in the end.
Whether it's 6 hours, 6 days, 6 months, 6 years or 60 years...the truth ALWAYS comes out.
And most people don't have to search for it.
Most people aren't even aware there is a truth, let alone actually looking for one.
And 9 times out of 10...the truth comes out accidentally. Innocently.
Lying not only takes too much effort...what with remembering the lie itself and whom it was told to...but the truth is usually far more amusing any way!