Monday, April 24, 2006

April 24, 2006 2:58pm

Peg, this one's for you babe!

I just want to note that the person on the right is, indeed, Kirk Cameron.


Anonymous said...

Well now see! I've said for years that we, has a human race have no idea who actually wrote the bible. I mean we weren't there hundreds of years ago right? It could have been religious men...or kings that wanted to manipulatively get their way.
But this? How can I possibly argue with this?!?!?!
Damn, I may have to rethink my whole philosophy of life! LOL

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. What a coicidence that banana's and hands are so perfect for each other? That man seems like he's spent a lot of time disecting this abserd rationalization. "There must be a god because bananas fit perfectly into my hand! Yes!! The SECRET OF LIFE IS BEFORE ME!" This man has spent FAR too much time with his banana. I love his expression about how it fits perfectly into our mouths. I think that man prefers objects of a phallic nature that are perfectly shaped for a hand and fit ever so conveniently into one's mouth.

Anonymous said...

If only we all could spend so much time with our bananas...