Wednesday, April 26, 2006

April 26, 2006 10:52pm

...still studying.

Just taking a break.

I forgot to mention something I did a few days ago. 

I sent an email to DB asking for some stuff back that he took.  I also asked him where some things are packed away (from the move out of our apartment) that I was looking for.  Both practical reasons for making contact.

And then I did something else.

I added an "oh, by the way...". 

Yeah.  I told him about me and mystery man.  I had two reasons for doing this.

The first (and the one that had been bugging me the most) is that despite DB being, well, a Douche Bag, I still have a modicum of respect for him.  He's just too pathetic to completely hate.  I can't bring myself to think he is a bad person.  He just doesn't know any better.  Being an adult.  Being in an adult relationship.  He couldn't mentally handle any of that.

We planned a life together and I can't just ignore that.  Mystery Man, DB, and I have been friends for several years.  If Mystery Man was someone DB didn't know then I wouldn't feel obligated to say anything, but in this case I wanted him to find out from me before he found out from someone else. 

The second reason is that I get just a pinch of juvenile enjoyment out of being able to tell him that I am seeing a person who 1) was his friend and (more importantly 2) is someone he looked up to and admired, but was never quite able to reach. 

I have no problem admitting that I can be evil sometimes.  And I know all about Karma being a bitch.  But there's no reason I can't enjoy this feeling while I can.

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