Wednesday, April 12, 2006

April 12, 2006 2:23pm

Things I will never do again....
or Lessons I Learned the Hard Way

Wear jeans that sit on my waist

Eat Flinstones Vitamins

Drink until I puke

Take a history class

Take a biochemistry class

Leave my headlights on overnight

Mistake a Jalepeno for a green pepper

Ignore what seems to be a very minor health problem

Go rock climbing

Tolerate being ignored

Tolerate being disrespected

Sleep on dirty sheets

Ignore a dirty bathroom

Put Palmolive dish soap in the dishwasher

Think I can change someone

Try to change someone else

Listen to someone on the phone saying, "I can't see you tonight. Don't come over here. I can't see you tonight." while I sit listening on the other side of the door.

Wait more than 3 days before getting something dry cleaned

Buy scented tampons

Let someone hit me

Miss a Colin Firth movie

Eat anything soy

Wear make-up that isn't Clinique

Go back to my natural hair color

Have long hair

Buy expensive sunglasses

....... the list is always growing, but that's the best I can think of for now.

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