Saturday, January 28, 2006

January 28, 2006 2:54pm

Had a weird night.

Felt awful for most of it because I was going to be completely alone. So I started drinking beer around 8. A friend called me about 9:30 and we talked until after 1am.

I don't want to do this. I don't want to run to a rebound man and put someone else through my hurt. Especially not him. I would be jeopardizing a friendship and not really helping myself along at all.

It could be very ugly.

I got a text message from him this morning. I think we both are wondering what should be said next.

I was pretty tipsy toward the end of the coversation and I'm not entirely sure what I said. Well, I have a general idea. I was sober enough to not let it get out of control and say what I was really thinking. I was about two beers away from that, though.

Went for a nice, long drive this afternoon. I took a few pictures. Maybe I'll post them if I get around to getting them off the camera.

Back to studying.

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