Monday, March 06, 2006

March 6, 2006 12:25am

I'm having computer issues. That's probably one of the most frustrating things for someone to deal with- especially someone who can't fix their own computer issues.

The fan won't shut off. I start my computer and as soon as I open a program it kicks on. Then it kicks on higher and I swear it actually levitates. Very, very loud Mo Fo! And when the fan is doing that, everything runs slow and I can't really run more than one thing at a time.

And I'm assuming I lost my helpful computer friend in the DB split, so I'm sort of on my own. A friend at school suggested a few things, but I can't really fiddle with it until after exams are over.

I did call Dell and got someone who was probably in Calcutta. He went through his little chart of dumbass things like "try turning it off and then on again" and finally decided he was stumped. Told me he'd call me back in a half hour. That was about two weeks ago. Needless to say, I'd really like to get this fixed without having to make that phone call again.

What else? What else? Hmmmm. I want to go home. I want to be in my house and sleep in my bed. My mom had me order a new comforter and sheet set online and she threw out my old ones. She seemed really, really eager to toss what was there. "Out with the old!" she said. Fresh sheets = fresh start. I guess it is better that I not use the sheets with the stains from where DB had his wisdom teeth out and drooled blood and the white ones that were permanently stained grey because he washed them so infrequently when I wasn't there. Ick!

I value hygiene highly. I think I'm going to add that to my list of qualities I'm looking for in someone. Must be clean. Must love dogs.

Must be gainfully employed.
College educated.
Christian- Catholic preferred.
Taller than me.
Like the beach.
And rain storms.
Resemble Colin Firth.

That last one is negotiable.

I wonder if Colin Firth is short. That would be a major bummer.

When I go home, I'm going to eat at all the places I don't have down here....Squan Tavern, Surf Taco, Java Moon Cafe, and any seafood I can get my hands on.

I'm also going to clean out the closets at the house. Fun fun!

Rearrange the kitchen.

Get color samples from the paint store.

Have people over.

I'm sad that it's only a week, but I'll be back again in two months for the summer.

The summer should be fun too. I'll be working on the house, hanging out with friends, spending a ton of time at the beach with Amy, catching up on all the reading I want to do but never have time for and just relaxing.

I want to feel peaceful again.

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