Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 7, 2006 9:06pm

I tried to make tater tots for dinner tonight. I wanted them to be really crispy so I put them in the broiler.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear the timer go off and by the time I went downstairs, there was already a smoke condition in the kitchen.

This would be nothing more than an annoying incident if I hadn't just done the same thing to a tortilla yesterday. Not only did I kill the tortilla, but I also killed the toaster oven.

Two days of burnt food has given my apartment quite a smoky odor. Any idea how to get it out?

I've been leaving the windows open and running the AC as much as possible just to keep air circulating.

I hate this smell. It even made its way upstairs. The clothes I'm wearing now are covered in it...probably because this is what I was wearing when I pulled the flaming tots out of the oven and threw them in the garage.

This just hasn't been my week.

I keep oversleeping stuff. School, jujitsu, life in general. I can't seem to get enough sleep no matter how many naps I take.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...Frebreeze, frebreeze, frebreeze!
And put out little bowls of white vinegar...that will help absorb some of the stank!