Friday, May 26, 2006

May 26, 2006 5:46pm

One week down and one week to go! 

Next week at this time I should be somewhere on the Pennsylvania Turnpike quickly approaching home. 

It's Friday, which means pizza night in my world.

That all started because my mom always worked late on Friday nights (still does) and she would bring home a pizza.  It became a routine and then a tradition.  When I got to college I just couldn't imagine a Friday night without pizza.  Now I still do pizza on Friday nights whenever I can. 

I'm starting to think I'm my own worst enemy.  I am the only thing standing in the way of being really happy right now.  Why?  Because I'm a paranoid weirdo and always assume the worst.  Has anyone ever actually died of anxiety?  I'm going to look that up later.  Being in a stressful situation right now doesn't make it any easier to be less paranoid either. 

On a happier note, I have a three day weekend.  That gives me a whole extra day to procrastinate! 

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