Wednesday, May 24, 2006

May 24, 2006 1:48pm

So I'm enjoying day 2 of the migraine that just won't quit.  It's been fun living in total darkness and silence. 

Mystery Man....sorry, GFKAMM (come on!  help me with the new name people!) called me last night.  I finally told him that he has got to get rid of the beard.  Besides the itchyness I get all over my face, I'm just not into it.  It's like guys with long hair...not my thing. He said we can "negotiate". 

That was pissing me off a little.  Dude, I get a rash from it! 

I'm still on the fence about going back to work at the track this summer.  I think I'll miss it if I'm not there, but DB is still there and he's been bringing the psycho chick around.  To quote someone who works with us, "Eeeewwwwwwww."  Yeah, my thoughts exactly.  It's sort of funny that he never realizes that people think he's an idiot and make fun of him.  I spent a lot of time defending him, so maybe he'll start to realize it now that I'm not there.  No.  Wait.  That would require one to be perceptive and somewhat intelligent. 

Bah Argh! 


Okay, I'm better now. 

Home.  Soon.  It's a mantra. 

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