Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May 2, 2006 9:21pm

I don't know what my summer routine is going to be.  I've always had a routine.  Even when it changed, I knew what it was going to change to.  There were certain things that I could always count on.

Now that's different.  I don't have anyone to get breakfast for on Sunday morning.  I don't have someone to go to the diner with me at 1am for eggs and toast.  DB and I used to do that with a friend of his when he would get off work late.  I gained 7 pounds doing that.

So it's just as well, I guess.

I decided not to go back to work at the track this summer.  I'm going to miss it, but DB is still working there and Mystery Man won't be.  I have another job lined up, but I think I want to just veg out and enjoy my last summer off for the rest of my life.

On to something else.....

I hate that my dishwasher doesn't really clean my dishes well.  Is it too much to ask for to have a dishwasher that properly cleans your dishes?! 

And those little tabs, packs, powders, squirts, and whatever else you put in there....I think it's all a scam.  I don't think it really get soapy in there so how could it possibly clean anything?


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