Monday, July 03, 2006

July 4, 2006 12:39am

Lots to update on, but I'm a little sleepy. 

The short version...

Since last week I have
 1) Had my wisdom teeth taken out (all 4)
2) visited with my sisters who came for the weekend
3) had an amazing time with my twin niece and nephew (they're 4 years old)
4) cooked some absolutely fabulous meals
5)went to the beach!
6) thought about just how happy I am with my life and how wonderfully lucky I am

I'll explain more tomorrow.  Right now I'm going to slip into bed between my 1200 thread count sheets that I got at a deal from (hey, I may be a brat, but I'm still just a student) and dream sweet dreams. 

And does anyone know what to do about the very, um, umcomfortable and long-lasting side effect one gets from percocet?  If you know what I'm talking about then you probably know how to fix it.  Help me please!  I'm going to explode soon.


Anonymous said...

Konsyl and lots of water.

Anonymous said...

1) I'm glad things are going so well! Even with the wisdom teeth out! It's good to hear you so "happy"!!!!

2) One word: Oatmeal.

Anonymous said...

I'd try grapejuice