Sunday, July 30, 2006

July 30, 2006 10:59pm

My summer vacation is quickly coming to a close. 

What I've learned this summer:

1)Don't count on other people, deal with crap yourself.
2)Don't count on other people, deal with crap yourself.
3)When it's really hot out, just stay inside dumbass! 
4)No matter how good an air conditioner you may have, the upstairs will always be hotter than downstairs.  This is a fact.  Accept it.
5)New Jersey is way better than West Virginia.
6)Pork Roll is the best breakfast meat ever.  Period.
7)Doing things by myself isn't so bad and I should do it more often. 

Those were some major life lessons right there. 

Anyone listened to the Saving Jane album?  Don't be turned off by that corny "Girl Next Door" song.  It's actually a really good album.  Seriously.  Go listen to it.  If I wasn't so inept and so tired right now I would try to figure out how to put the music on my blog.  I know how to add videos, but the only video they have is for the stupid Girl Next Door song and that's what I'm trying to avoid. 

Know what I find to be a real waste of time?  Peeing.  I just hate having to go pee.  There are so many other things I have to do in a day and it's really never a convenient time to pee.  That's why I wait hours and hours and hours until I'm doing the 5 year old pee-pee dance before I go.  If I never had to pee I would probably have a few hours of extra free time over a lifetime. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me add one more thing to your list...only because you're a planner and as a fellow planner, I want to try and help ya!

When you want to do something, anything...and you have a plan A, B, and C in mind.
Skip A & B and go directly to C.
A & B usually never work and are a waste of time and money.