Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 13, 2006 9:39pm

Working has completely cut into my vacation/relaxation/being lazy time.  On the bright side, it refocused me and reminded me why I'm in med school.  I was starting to hate life for a while there, and I think this has helped remind me that it's ok to hate life for a little while because it's going to get better soon.

Speaking of getting better soon.....

The holes in my mouth are finally starting to close up.  The food getting stuck in them is really, really gross though. 

I'm sitting here now enjoying a Fresca and Vodka.  Don't mock it, it's really good! 

I feel old.  I'm going to be 25 in a month.  I guess it sounds silly, but I'm not a patient person and I want my life to be settled, not so stirred up.  I feel like it's going to take me so long to get settled that I won't be able to enjoy it.  By the time I feel safe and secure and happy, I'll be really old, have saggy boobs, grey hair, and wrinkles.

Bah.  More vodka.

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