Friday, January 26, 2007

January 26, 2007 7:39pm

Feeling a little better today. I got some new orders from the doc.

I'm starting to realize just how isolated I am here. I have a few friends, but nobody I'm particularly close to. I'm very frustrated with how my classmates act.

Wednesday night I went out to dinner with some friends. From the second we sat down in the restaurant, the conversation revolved around how quickly could they get a drink and how drunk they wanted to get. The rest of the night was just stories about toilet bowl hugging moments.

I can't deal with that shit.

So, tonight, instead of going to the "girls night" potluck dinner, I'm sitting at home feeling very annoyed that this is what I'm stuck with here.

It's lonely, and I'm miserable.

I sit here now with my glass of wine and pizza and wonder why it is that I can't communicate with my peers. The therapist says that maybe I'm just at a different maturity level than them. I think I've spent so much of my life thinking that since I'm different there must be something wrong with me, that the idea that I'm different because I've grown up more is just hard to believe.

I am lonely, though. I just want some friends to hang out with. I don't even mean I want or need a boyfriend or man in my life. I just want a buddy down here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have mail:)