Friday, January 12, 2007

January 12, 2007 2:49am

Friday. It's Friday.

And I'm still awake.

I'm watching Superman Returns. Not bad. Superman has a bastard son. Gotta love it! I want a Superman. No, actually I want Clark Kent. I want the dorky looking hottie who lives and breathes for me. I don't like how this movie ends. Superman and Lois should be together and raise their little bastard son like a real American alternative family. Geez.

In the mean time, I want a dog. I really, really, really want a dog. I had one when I was a kid. Her name was Abigail. I miss Abigail. I think about her a lot now, when I'm here alone and I just want a hug. Abby was always good for that. She was also a very good listener. Abby was a golden retriever. She had the softest hair, and the sweetest face.

So, I'm moving out of here in June and heading to a different town where I will start my 3rd year rotations. My mom is going to help me with the move since I'll also be studying for boards then. She agrees that a priority for me is to find an apartment that will let me have a dog. I'll be moving back to NJ for part of June to take my boards, so I might get one while I'm home from one of the shelters there. That way, the dog can get used to me spending long hours studying. PErhaps he or she can quiz me on topics? Well, that might be asking a bit much. I want a medium sized or big Abby was. Something I can get my arms around and hug and play with on the floor. I already have a name picked out. Socrates for a boy dog. Antigone for a girl dog.

For Christmas, my mom got me a stuffed dog. She even attached a Christmas card to him that reads, "Please give me a name. When you decide to get one of those smelly, panting, shedding things that cost a fortune at the vet, please don't forget about me. And remember, if you can't have the dog you love, love the dog you have. From _(name to be determined)_". I named him Plato.

I think having a buddy like that again will be good for me.


Anonymous said...


Just make sure you have time for a dog.
Most people don't realize how much time they require and then get upset when the dog destroys things out of boredom and lonliness when left alone for long hours.
If you realize that you don't have enough time...get a cat.
And you can come to my house to pick one out.

Okay...fine...maybe I'm just trying to get a cat adopted out of my house. (evil grin).

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I'm violently allergic to cats. It isn't even like a few sneezes. My eyes get red and start to swell up, and then my lips swell up and it gets hard to talk because they're so heavy. I don't really like looking freaky like that, but it is amusing for the first few minutes.

My schedule is going to be like a typical work day, not as irregular as when I'm in class right now. I'll be 9-5ing (or 8-4 or 7-3) most days, and then if I'm on call I just wait home with my pager until it goes off.

Hopefully, it will be ok. I'll make it work somehow. The alternative is to get a roommate, and I'm fairly certain I'd have to kill them at some point.

Dogs are some of my favorite people. It's a much better choice than having more of those pesky humans around. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I agree.
I pick animals over people any day! LOL.

See I was picturing E.R. or some other real life hospital...where "rotation" means "residency" which means odd but always, always long, long hours. LOL.

Go forth...get a pooch! You just do the lookin' and it will pick you:)