Sunday, October 01, 2006

October 1, 2006 9:22pm

I have never slept so much or so hard as I have these past two days.

Getting some help with the anxiety.

Went out Friday night. I had a good time. Actually, I was surprised that so many people were happy to see me out.

I've lost some weight over the past few weeks from not eating.

I'm starting to shut down, which isn't good either.

Also getting a cold.


Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,

Can you call your Mom and have her come up for a girls weekend? Sounds like you need some company. Take care of yourself, you are making us worry a bit! Chin up, it gets better....I promise :)

Anonymous said...

Actually, mom is coming to visit next weekend. Unfortunately, it's the weekend before I have an exam on Monday. She said she'll cook dinners and clean my apartment for me. I'm trying to stay on top of my work so I can chill with her a bit while she's here.

I'll be okay. Just hanging in there. A year's worth of crap is finally starting to catch up with me.