Thursday, August 24, 2006

August 24, 2006 11:50pm

4 Days closer to being 30.

That's how I'm going to measure my life.

Today's thoughts are on laundry. I love doing laundry. In fact, I have what I like to call a "laundry lab" here. I have the detergent, bleach, oxyclean, stain stick, fabric softener all line dup on top of the dryer. I add carefully measured amounts of these things to my loads of laundry. There's something very satisfying about putting things in that are dirty and having them come out clean.

You can change the way your clothes smell just by changing your detergent. Think about how amazing that is. Think about the people you love the most. Don't they have a certain smell? Sometimes it's from their laundry detergent. You can give yourself a completely different smell just by switching to a new detergent!

I have a friend whose laundry smells so good. I think it's Tide, but I can't duplicate it exactly. Every time I'm around him I breathe deeply because he just smells so darn good! And I know it's his clothes because he has a clean laundry smell. Then everything he touches in my house has that smell and i love it. I become a psycho and start sniffing throw pillows.

I really love laundry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the exact opposite Liz. At least, I am now. I used to have all of that crap too. However, it always seemed like whatever stain I had on something, no amount of spray, stick, bleach or whatever would take it out. So I gave up. Now everything gets thrown in the wash with a cup of detergent and that's it. If the stain doesn't come out...I go shopping. Heh heh.