Wednesday, July 26, 2006

July 26, 2006

My grandmother died last Friday.  I knew she was going to die soon ans I sort of hoped it would be before I went back down to school.  It was. 

Ryan (I will refrain from using his more common name now) sent my mom a basket of flowers.  That was nice, I guess.  He put this weird quote on the card.  Something about angels and heaven.  Not his writing.  Weird. 

Simultaneously, Mike totally vanished into thin air for almost two weeks.  I knew he was at work, but the only way I have to reach him is by cell phone and he wasn't answering it....  long story short, I was a total wreck thinking something terrible happened to him.  turns out his phone took a swim in the toilet. 

So I've had a bit of an emotional few weeks.  A few meltdowns were in order.  Talked to Mike this morning and explained to him that I'm unhappy with how I feel a bit ignored by him.  Without going into all of the details, it was a productive conversation and I feel a lot better. 

I had some weird things taken off me two weeks ago. The biposies all came back okay, except one had atypical cells and hyperplasia.  That means it wasn't a melanoma, but it would have been if I left it there. 

I don't want to go back to WV.  Home is so much nicer. 


Anonymous said...

Oy vey. Men.

Just kindly remind him that he has a brain, a mouth, a voice and two healthy legs, arms and hands. Pick up a pay phone and call for crimminey's sake!

Would he not worry about you if he'd not spoken with you for the two weeks and then got a new phone and attempted to contact you, unsuccessfully for an addtional week or two?

Men can be so inconsiderate and it's just not necessary.

Anonymous said...


Glad your biopsies came back good and you caught it in time!!!

Anonymous said...

Jeezy Creezy...I suck!
Sorry to hear about your Grandma too:(