Tuesday, April 03, 2007

April 3, 2007 8:53pm

So, it looks like my little April Fool's joke had it's intended effect.

Actually, I have to give credit to Beej for putting the idea in my head...oh about a million years ago when she made an April Fool's post to a message board with something to the effect of making cheese out of breast milk. There were other things on it, but that's the one that has stuck in my head for-ev-er. Ever since then, I've wanted to pull my own little shocking prank.

I am not becoming a lesbian. That's fine if it floats your boat, but some girls just can't live without a little dick in their life (wait, ixnay on the little part).

I am not dropping out of medical school. I haven't worked this hard for this long just to leave when I'm halfway though. Besides, I've had some experiences lately that really cemented my love of this.

And I am really, really, really not going to rent out my uterus. All of my body parts are mine and for my use only unless a family member needs a kidney or some bone marrow or something like that.

One more thing, my little joke made me start thinking about the Knot Gang. What has happened to everyone? It's hard to google them since I didn't know everyone's full names.

For those of you not in "the know", The Knot was a section on AOL for wedding planning. There's an internet version that I used in my (ahem) former wedding to douche bag planning. But before AOL jacked with their message boards it was a really cool place on there. I got to meet some of the gals from there in NYC once. I even had one stay with me in NY for a few days.

But there were also a few wackos. The occasional drive-by troll whenever schools were on breaks were common, but there were also regular wackos who proudly displayed their crazyness and then would find internet Rabbis to back up their positions. Ah, memories.

Ok, here's what I remember....
I remember someone with a name like Cowbell or Cowhearder or something like that.
I remember someone who was militant about etiquette (No you tramp! The fork goes on the left! Bitch! Whore!)
I remember a woman named Suzy. She had some weird marriage situation where she was either married to someone way younger than her or possibly way older. She took everything literally and didn't know anything about sex. Maybe it was all an act. Either way, I remember being in a private chat room with her one night trying to explain to her how to give a blow job and explaining what "Do your curtains match your carpet?" meant.
I remember internet Rabbis
I remember moist panties
I remember fishbowl centerpieces
I remember cash bars and dollar dances
C'mon girls, refresh my memory. I know there was other stuff that happened!


Boobless Brigade Master said...

The Knot.
I miss The Knot too.

First off...there's The Coven.
And the one and only NatBat!!!!
And then there was the time that Teresa helped me track down any and all information about that crazy Cecil chick.
And for me personally...there were my tiffs with MichelleMom and I think even Rhiannon. Both of whom could probably care less about my opinion...but they've both grown up and matured so much that I'm proud of them now!
Or maybe they're the same and there was nothing ever wrong with them and I'm just waaaaaayyyyyy laid back now.
I always wonder what happened to Gail?? Of Gail, Mike and Sarah if I remember correctly.

I remember trying to explain to someone that even the people I didn't particularly like and didn't like me...I considered my friends.
In real life, if you don't like someone, you generally have nothing to do with them.
On that board...you read EVERYTHING because everything was wrapped up in each and every post and you didn't have a choice. So even if I didn't like someone, I knew damn near everything about them, their S.O., their children, their job, etc. So when they had bad times...I still sent 'good vibes' their way, etc.

Anonymous said...

I actually still have the Knot Photo Album saved, and it's still visible! lol I remember tulle was a big no no, and if you couldnt pay for your own wedding, then you had no right to complain! Also..the mysterious Krissie Doll, and Cathy S and her spaaaklies. Bart the Emu

Elizabeth said...

Bart! Good grief how could I ever forget Bart!!