Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April 17, 2007 10:00pm

My apologies for not updating at all last week.

I went home to NJ for spring break, and I just got tied up with stuff. By the time I'd get around to checking email, I was too tired to formulate a post.

In summary:

Saw my sisters for Easter. Had a wonderful time visiting with them. I drove into NJ Thursday night after I finished at a dr's office seeing patients. I developed a severe, severe migraine Thursday morning that did not go away until about 11pm. It was the first time I ever had a migraine with an aura. I saw flashing lights about 20 minutes before the headache started. Worst one I ever had.

I rolled into NJ after midnight. By that time, my sisters had all already gotten there. Blair was staying at my house so my mom let her in. I walked in with all my stuff and a bottle of Grey Goose and some Tonic because I lubs my sistah!

Friday I had a wonderful time taking my niece, Tessa, to get a pedicure. She's 5 and when I told her where we were going she proclaimed that "My one life's wish has been granted!".

Saturday was my day to make dinner for everyone at my place. I love, love, love cooking so this was great for me. While I was on my way to the grocery store, I decided to call Roger and ask him if he would like to join us. At first, he danced around it and said he didn't want to intrude. Blah blah blah. I had shopping to do so I hung up. 5 minutes later, he calls back and asks if the offer still stands. He arrived a few hours later with flowers. He met my sisters and my mom. It all went well :-) He seemed to have a nice time.

Sunday was Easter. We all congregated at my mom's for food. We ate and ate.

Monday, Roger came down and we went out for sushi.

Tuesday....I don't remember what happened on Tuesday. Oh yes, I went to the dentist.

Wednesday I had lunch with a friend, then I drove up to Roger's place. I did some osteopathic super duper manipulation on him because he was having some back and neck problems. We went to dinner.

Thursday, my friends Ryan and Jess came to stay with me for the night on their way to Sea Isle City for a "sorry you have cancer, but here's a house at the beach for a weekend" program. It was so great to see them! I got to cook for them. Ryan and I stayed up until after 2am talking...that's when Jess came down and scolded us.

Friday evening I went to the NY International Auto Show with Roger. By dinnertime, I was feeling really sick. I had a sore throat, fever, just general nastyness. We stayed in and got some pizza. He rubbed my feetsies and then went and got me ice cream.

On Saturday, it was determined that I had strep and I started some antibiotics. Roger drove down and helped me run errands and pack my truck. I sat on my couch with a blanket and pillow.

So now here I am....back in WV.

I just want to say that the massacre at VT is just unthinkable. My campus will be holding a candlelight vigil tomorrow night at 8pm. I just can't imagine what it was like for those students going through that.

1 comment:

Boobless Brigade Master said...

Well blech as far as the migraine and strep are concerned.
YAY for the rest!
Sounds like the rest of the time was well spent with family and friends!