Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thursday November 22, 2007 10:29am

Got in from Buckhannon about 6:00pm last night.

Despite having already suffered through the flu and mono, someone has decided to bless me with a cold.


Did you know that if you unknowingly swallow enough mucus, you stomach will reject it and make you want to vomit?

Did you also know that if you are on a diet and eat really well for a long time, and then eat a massive portion of Japanese food and assorted sushi rolls, you stomach will save you from spoiling the diet by just sending it all right on through without being fully digested?

Yay for explosive diarrhea!

On that note, it's Thanksgiving!

Roger just left to go back up to his parents' place. I am dressed and ready to go to my uncle's house in a bit.

As many of you recall, it is time for the fabulous Big Fat Thanksgiving Dinner!

Over the years, my family has shrunk. Surprisingly enough, it is not due to divorce or family feuds, but the old ones just keep dying off. It's the natural process of things, so I don't mind too terribly much.

That being said, our gathering this year will be approximately 8 or maybe 9 people.

My uncle invited Roger to come, but Roger is going up to his own family's dinner. Besides, I'd rather invite Roger to that part of my family for Christmas when it's at my house and under my control. (and yes, I fully admit that I am a control freak)

I will pay close attention to the events of today and will give you my full report when I return...complete with humorous inserts.

Happy Thanksgiving Friends!

1 comment:

Boobless Brigade Master said...

F.Y.I. ~ I secretly send out a little wish that you get to eat with the big girl utensils whenever I think of you and Thanksgiving:)