Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15, 2007 10:10pm

So I'm sitting on my couch now, on the phone with Roger, watching the Democratic Debate on CNN.

I didn't start blogging until now because it has taken me a bit of time to glue the pieces of my head together after I had to slam it up against the wall. I also had some blood shooting out of my eyes in anger.

Some favorite moments...

Obama saying that we need to close Gitmo. And just leaves it at all. Um. Okay. And then do what? In his next breath, he said that we need to open schools in the middle east that don't teach hate, but instead teach math and science. As Roger pointed out, we couldn't stop a school in NYC from teaching Islamic fundamentalism, not to mention the fact that we have enough trouble with our own schools in this are we going to open schools in the middle east and control what they teach?

I know! We'll take the people out of gitmo and have them teach at the new schools! Roger called it Gitmo U!

I also really liked the UNLV student who has the chance of a lifetime to ask a US Senator running for president one question. Just one question. What does this college student ask? "Senator Clinton, do you prefer diamonds or pearls?"

I want this bimbo's voter registration card revoked. Stupid people should not be allowed to make decisions like who becomes the next president.

The words "Universal" and "Healthcare" put together in the same sentence, when not followed by "is really really bad" make me nauseous.

Joe Biden said that if he is president, his Supreme Court nominee "would be" a woman. Really? Not the most qualified individual you can find? Not the person who would be best in the position? A woman. that's the big requirement? What if there's a man who is more qualified. You will sacrifice a position on the supreme court to someone who is less qualified just to have a vagina on the bench?


And let's stop with the absurdity of calling illegals "undocumented workers". That's like calling a used car a "previously enjoyed" car.

Oh geez, now my head is starting to ooze apart again. I will write more another time.

1 comment:

Boobless Brigade Master said...

Seriously. We have to be related. We share a brain woman!