Thursday, February 22, 2007

February 22, 2007 7:46pm


Mom is coming tomorrow. We're going to get pizza and chill tomorrow night. Saturday AM, I have a review to go to for pathology, and mom said she'd come along. 3 hours of histopathology? Hmmm.. She wouldn't rather sleep in?

I washed my Uggs tonight. It's one of those things that has been on my "to do" list for so long that I just stopped writing it each week. Well, I finally cleaned them up. There's a few more things on the forgotten "to do" list that I think I want to get on soon. First, is to get rid of all the damn cardboard boxes in my apartment. Second, I need to remove all the Internal Medicine Club junk over to the storage closet at school. Third, I need to organize my CD's, which are in a giant pile of mess right now.

I really love being able to mark things off lists. It gives me a sense of closure and completion (is that even a word?).

I also like my pill box. I only take a few prescription medications every day, but I take a load of assorted vitamins and supplements. Don't worry, I'm not mixing anything dangerous or taking anything bad. At worst, they're doing nothing. At best, I am now protected from heart disease, cancer, Alzheimers and Diabetes. My educated guess is that their true effect lies somewhere between those extremes. Anyway, I bought a pill box from Wal-Mart that has really deep compartments. This is great for me because I take some really huge pills. I have pills for Morning, Noon, Evening, and Bedtime. I am a regular senior citizen! I really feel like I have accomplished something when an entire day's worth of compartments is empty and I know I took everything I was supposed to take.

Alternative medicine and natural remedies have become my new obsession. I've always really loved preventitive medicine (ie hurry up and make the vaccine rather than pussying around with treatments), and I'm really interested in how to incorporate "alternative" medicine into that.

So, right now, I take:
1000mg of Niacin (lowers cholesterol really well and doesn't have the dangerous side effects of statin drugs....yes, this is proven. Ask your doc. He'll give you a Rx for Niacin. It's cheap, cheap, cheap)
2400mg of Omega-3 oils (Heart Healthy! And may or may not help maintain BP)
1 Multi-Vitamin with Folate (cause I don't want a kid with 3 heads one day)
400 IU of Vitamin E (antioxidant)
1000mg of Cinnamon (improves your metabolism of sugar to prevent and/or control Diabetes....yes, this is also pretty well accepted)
4 Tums/day for the Calcium

I am ALWAYS on the prowl for a new, fun vitamin to try. I get giddy when I get my JAMA and see an article about a vitamin or herbal study.

So, if you have any suggestions for how to protect myself from a meteor falling on my head by taking Vitamin A, let me know!

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