Friday, December 29, 2006

December 29th, 2006 8:18pm

Today was my mom's birthday. We got a limo, went to lunch at the Highlawn Pavillion, and took a trip down memory mom's old neighborhood she grew up in. My two aunts came with us. It was a nice day.

So today I've been thinking about New Years resolutions.

My first is to stop binge eating late at night. That's when my anxiety level is the highest and I tend to binge at night on whatever crap I can get my hands on.

Number two: Don't be afraid to get help when I need it.

Number three: Be more assertive (that's what the therapist told me to say).

Number four: Go back to jujitsu class and let out some of that anger in a more productive way

Number five: pass my boards that I'm taking this summer.

I'm taking my board exam this summer. It's the first of three exams to get my license. It is in the best interest of all my friends to help me pass these tests because if I get my license I can write prescriptions!

Number six: Calm the fuck down! Stop worrying about stuff I have no control over. Stop worrying about tomorrow, or, as the therapist says, "Stop borrowing trouble."

I think that's enough for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1) Happy B-day Liz's Mom:)

2) Get the book: The Toltec; The Four Agreements.
It's one book you'll be glad you read.
In fact, I think I need to re-read it myself.