Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 26, 2008 1:31pm

First, to update on my last post: I tried talking things out with some friends, but I'm not sure it got me anywhere. Honestly, I think I just need to accept people as they are and not expect them to act a certain way. I know that I have always had a problem with this. I don't mean that I expect *things* from people. I don't expect gifts or money or anything material like that. What I do expect (and want) is time. If you are my friend, I want your time.

I feel selfish even saying that, but isn't that what a friendship is? You give your time to someone you care about. I need to stop expecting anything, though. I have to accept that the way I treat people may not be the way others see fit to treat people.

Worked overnights this past weekend in the ER. My days and nights are all mixed up.

Trying to get some studying done, but I am low on motivation. I just want to go home!!!

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