Friday, August 03, 2007

August 3, 2007 8:50pm

More thoughts on what I posted on earlier....

It's not just the trip down here. It's a culmination of things.

I feel like for a while now she has gone out of her way to do things for and to spend time with friends who she has only known for a few years.... yet she isn't there for people (namely, me since I'm the one bitching about this) who have known her the longest.

It really burns my ass when in conversation after conversation I hear, "Oh, I miss you. When are you coming home again? I can't wait to see you." I will be home from xx until xx. "Great! We'll hang out." Fine. Then, when I'm home there's always something else that came up and it's ALMOST ALWAYS because she's doing a favor for someone else or helping someone else with something. Someone else who didn't drive 500 miles to be with her when her world got turned upside down. Someone else who didn't search high and low for dirt on a dirtbag so she wouldn't have to get hurt. Someone else who hasn't known her through about 10 different hairstyles, jean sizes, bad days, good days, graduations, jobs, men, fights with parents, broken bones, illness, and assorted other life nonsense.

I feel like I have a stick up my ass just for saying all of this, but I'm at a loss for what to do right now.

1 comment:

Boobless Brigade Master said...

I know just how to solve your problem...
Come visit KC!
Sorry your friend is being the way she's being:(