Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 22, 2007 4:07pm

Just a few quick thoughts because I have to get back to the books.

I am absolutely loving my rotation with this doc. Every day is a blast. I'm excited to see every patient (even the stinky ones), and I go home every night excited to read up on something new.

Been trying to get back to working out a little. Mostly walking and stretching. My attempt to quit the anti-depressants didn't go as well as I would have liked, so I'm back on that and trying to boost those natural endorphins.

Roger came down to visit for a few days. He just left today and he will be back again on Thursday! Guess the boy just can't get enough of me. :-P

1 comment:

Boobless Brigade Master said...

Well of course he can't get enough of you! Some men know a good thing when they have it:)